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Raw Peanuts & Java Peanut

Raw Peanuts & Java Peanut
One Peanut. Two Names

Spread around the world by the Spanish. Propagated on the Indonesian island of Java. The Spanish or Java raw peanut is even known to some as the “Manila nut” due to intensive local farming there in the 18th century.

This world-famous variety of raw peanut is loved all around the globe, and comes in many subspecies – the shortest with a cropping cycle of just 90 days, the longest with a 130-day cycle from sowing to harvesting.

Java raw peanuts are especially popular in Southeast Asian markets for their premium qualities. They are spherical in shape, and have a high level of flavour-enhancing Methylpyrazine. With a similarly high sugar content, they’re also the best ingredient for making quality natural peanut butter. Even most split peanuts have their uses as a sustainable and nutritious birdfeed.

Java peanuts come in several subspecies, including:

● Baisha  
● TJ 37   
● JL (Java long)  
● K6 & Tag   
● Western 44 & G7  

Java Peanuts Specification



Java Peanuts (Spanish)

HS Code



40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90,90-100,100-110,140-160


20/25/50 Kg HDPE/ PP/ Vacuum/ Jute Bags


18 MT (20 Ft), 26 MT (40 Ft)


Sweet, Creamy and Nutty


Round Pinkish White Skin



Nutritional facts

3.81% more protein, 11.76% more dietary fibre, 7.83% more potassium, 1.27% more food energy (kJ), 19.1% more calcium, 1.53x more iron, 9.94% more magnesium, 2.11% more phosphorus than runner variety per 100g.

Key takeaways

Spanish had the higher phytosterols contents which help to inhibit cancer growth and protection against heart disease.

Java variety better in reducing blood cholesterol level than bold variety.

Java has higher pyrazine and polyphenol content than Bold which gives intense aroma and good anti-oxidant activity.